
In Livekeys, plugins are treated and imported the same way as in QtQuick, with one addition. In Livekeys, plugins can have external dependencies, as their paths are searched for before by Livekeyss plugin loading process. This makes it easier to write plugins that wrap external libraries (e.g. Open CV, Dlib), since the process of using them in Livekeys is easier. While QtQuick plugins work in Livekeys out of the box, integrating Livekeys plugins into QtQuick applications require the user to make sure that all libraries are locatable by the application executable (e.g. to use lcvcore opencv_.dll / have to be part of PATH or LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variables).

Plugins can either be in binary form (written in c++), or as qml components. The plugins folder is used by default to locate a plugin. (e.g. using \c{import opencv.contrib.core} will look into /plugins/opencv/contrib/core for the specified import). All plugins need to have a qmldir file in their root in order to be visible to the application. This article describes the process of defining a qmldir file. Qml plugins based only on qml components require you to only add the qmldir file and list the qml components you want to expose to the application. For example, you can go to /plugins and create a folder named _example_, and add the following _qmldir_:

module example
HelloText 1.0 HelloText.qml

Then add the \e{HelloText.qml} item:

import QtQuick 2.3
Text{ text: "Hello"; color: "#f00" }

In Livekeys then we can use our component to see the given text:

import example 1.0


Creating c++ based plugins is described in the developer section.


Packages in Livekeys contain one or more plugins that provide a common functionality. Installation of packages currently has to be done manually (a package manager is planned in the upcoming versions), so to install a package, copy the contents of its plugins folder into the plugins folder of your livekeys installation and the contents of the dependencies folder in case it exists into your livekeys \e{dependencies} folder. It's best to restart Livekeys in order for the new components to be loaded correctly.