group plugin-lcvfeatures2d

Open CV features 2d plugin.


Members Descriptions
classQDescriptorExtractor Abstract base class to compute descriptors for image keypoints.
classQDescriptorMatcher Abstract base class for matching keypoint descriptors.
classQDescriptorMatchFilter Filter for QDescriptorMatcher.
classQDMatchVector Vector containing the actual matches.
classQDrawMatches Draws the found matches of keypoints from two images.
classQFeatureDetector Detects features in an image.
classQKeypointHomography Maps the keypoints in one image to the corresponding keypoints in the other image.
classQKeyPointToSceneMap Mapping from a set of keypoints.
classQKeyPointVector Wrapper around keypoints.
classQMatchesToLocalKeypoint Maps matches to local keypoints.

class QDescriptorExtractor

class QDescriptorExtractor
  : public QQuickItem

Abstract base class to compute descriptors for image keypoints.


Members Descriptions
public explicitQDescriptorExtractor(QQuickItem * parent) QDescriptorExtractor constructor.
publicQDescriptorExtractor(cv::Ptr< cv::DescriptorExtractor > extractor,QQuickItem * parent) QDescriptorExtractor constructor.
public virtual~QDescriptorExtractor() QDescriptorExtractor destructor
public inlineQKeyPointVector*keypoints() Keypoints getter.
public inline voidsetKeypoints(QKeyPointVector* keypoints) Setter for the keypoints.
public inlineQMat*descriptors() Getter for descriptors
public inline const QVariantMap &params() const Getter for the params.
public inline boolisBinary() const Returns true if this descriptor extractor is binary
public inline virtual intdescriptorCols() const Returns the number of cols for the descriptor.
protected virtual voidinitialize(const QVariantMap & params) Initializes QDescriptorExtractor.
protected voidinitializeExtractor(cv::Ptr< cv::DescriptorExtractor > extractor) Creates a descriptor extractor by name.
protected virtual voidcomponentComplete() Implementation from QQuickItem. Triggers a calculation of descriptors if the keypoints have been set.
{signal} public voidkeypointsChanged() Triggered when the keypoints are changed.
{signal} public voiddescriptorsChanged() Triggered when descriptors are changed.
{signal} public voidparamsChanged() Triggered when params are changed.
{slot} public virtual voidcompute() Computes the descriptors for a set of keypoints detected in an image or image set.
{slot} public inline voidsetParams(const QVariantMap & arg) Setter for parameters.


public explicitQDescriptorExtractor(QQuickItem * parent)

QDescriptorExtractor constructor.

publicQDescriptorExtractor(cv::Ptr< cv::DescriptorExtractor > extractor,QQuickItem * parent)

QDescriptorExtractor constructor.

public virtual~QDescriptorExtractor()

QDescriptorExtractor destructor

public inlineQKeyPointVector*keypoints()

Keypoints getter.

public inline voidsetKeypoints(QKeyPointVector* keypoints)

Setter for the keypoints.

public inlineQMat*descriptors()

Getter for descriptors

public inline const QVariantMap &params() const

Getter for the params.

public inline boolisBinary() const

Returns true if this descriptor extractor is binary

public inline virtual intdescriptorCols() const

Returns the number of cols for the descriptor.

protected virtual voidinitialize(const QVariantMap & params)

Initializes QDescriptorExtractor.

protected voidinitializeExtractor(cv::Ptr< cv::DescriptorExtractor > extractor)

Creates a descriptor extractor by name.

protected virtual voidcomponentComplete()

Implementation from QQuickItem. Triggers a calculation of descriptors if the keypoints have been set.

{signal} public voidkeypointsChanged()

Triggered when the keypoints are changed.

{signal} public voiddescriptorsChanged()

Triggered when descriptors are changed.

{signal} public voidparamsChanged()

Triggered when params are changed.

{slot} public virtual voidcompute()

Computes the descriptors for a set of keypoints detected in an image or image set.

{slot} public inline voidsetParams(const QVariantMap & arg)

Setter for parameters.

class QDescriptorMatcher

class QDescriptorMatcher
  : public QQuickItem

Abstract base class for matching keypoint descriptors.


Members Descriptions
public explicitQDescriptorMatcher(QQuickItem * parent) QDescriptorMatcher main constructor.
publicQDescriptorMatcher(cv::DescriptorMatcher * matcher,QQuickItem * parent) Constructor containing the actual matcher.
public virtual~QDescriptorMatcher() QDescriptorMatcher destructor.
public inline voidsetQueryDescriptors(QMat* descriptors) Triggered when queryDescriptors are changed.
public inlineQMat*queryDescriptors() Getter for the query descriptors.
public inline voidsetKnn(int knn) Setter for the knn.
public inline intknn() const Count of best matches found per each query descriptor or less if a query descriptor has less than k possible matches in total.
publicQDMatchVector*matches() Returns a number of matches.
public inline const QVariantMap &params() const Given parameters.
protected virtual voidcomponentComplete() Override from QQuickItem. Calls the matcher.
protected virtual voidinitialize(const QVariantMap & params) Initializes any internal parameters.
protected voidinitializeMatcher(cv::DescriptorMatcher * matcher) Function used for extending Descriptor matcher.
protected voidcallMatch() Initializes matcher.
{signal} public voidqueryDescriptorsChanged() Triggered when queryDescriptors are changed.
{signal} public voidmatchesChanged() Triggered when matches are changed.
{signal} public voidknnChanged() Triggered when knn is changed.
{signal} public voidparamsChanged() Triggered when params are changed.
{slot} public voidadd(QMat* descriptors) Adds a set of descriptors.
{slot} public voidtrain() Trains the matcher.
{slot} public voidknnMatch(QMat* queryDescriptors,QDMatchVector* matches,int k) Finds best matches for each descriptor.
{slot} public inline voidsetParams(const QVariantMap & arg) Setter for the params.


public explicitQDescriptorMatcher(QQuickItem * parent)

QDescriptorMatcher main constructor.

publicQDescriptorMatcher(cv::DescriptorMatcher * matcher,QQuickItem * parent)

Constructor containing the actual matcher.

public virtual~QDescriptorMatcher()

QDescriptorMatcher destructor.

public inline voidsetQueryDescriptors(QMat* descriptors)

Triggered when queryDescriptors are changed.

public inlineQMat*queryDescriptors()

Getter for the query descriptors.

public inline voidsetKnn(int knn)

Setter for the knn.

public inline intknn() const

Count of best matches found per each query descriptor or less if a query descriptor has less than k possible matches in total.


Returns a number of matches.

public inline const QVariantMap &params() const

Given parameters.

protected virtual voidcomponentComplete()

Override from QQuickItem. Calls the matcher.

protected virtual voidinitialize(const QVariantMap & params)

Initializes any internal parameters.

protected voidinitializeMatcher(cv::DescriptorMatcher * matcher)

Function used for extending Descriptor matcher.

protected voidcallMatch()

Initializes matcher.

{signal} public voidqueryDescriptorsChanged()

Triggered when queryDescriptors are changed.

{signal} public voidmatchesChanged()

Triggered when matches are changed.

{signal} public voidknnChanged()

Triggered when knn is changed.

{signal} public voidparamsChanged()

Triggered when params are changed.

{slot} public voidadd(QMat* descriptors)

Adds a set of descriptors.

{slot} public voidtrain()

Trains the matcher.

{slot} public voidknnMatch(QMat* queryDescriptors,QDMatchVector* matches,int k)

Finds best matches for each descriptor.

{slot} public inline voidsetParams(const QVariantMap & arg)

Setter for the params.

class QDescriptorMatchFilter

class QDescriptorMatchFilter
  : public QQuickItem

Filter for QDescriptorMatcher.


Members Descriptions
publicQDescriptorMatchFilter(QQuickItem * parent) QDescriptorMatchFilter constructor.
public virtual~QDescriptorMatchFilter() QDescriptorMatchFilter destructor.
publicQDMatchVector*matches1to2() const Matches from the first image to the second one.
public inline voidsetMatches1to2(QDMatchVector* arg) Setter for the matches1to2.
public inlineQDMatchVector*matches1to2Out() const matches1to2 output
public inline floatminDistanceCoeff() const Minimum distance that the match has to the actual outcome.
public inline voidsetMinDistanceCoeff(float arg) Setter for minDistanceCoeff.
public inline floatmaxDistance() const Maximum distance allowed betwen set of two matches.
public inline voidsetMaxDistance(float arg) Setter for maxDistance.
public inline floatnndrRatio() const The match betwen the first match and it's next consecutive match.
public inline voidsetNndrRatio(float arg) Setter for the nndrRatio.
{signal} public voidmatches1to2Changed() Triggered when matches1to2 is changed.
{signal} public voidmatches1to2OutChanged() Triggered when matches1to2Out is changed.
{signal} public voidminDistanceCoeffChanged() Triggered when minDistanceCoeff is changed.
{signal} public voidmaxDistanceChanged() Triggered when the maxDistance is changed.
{signal} public voidnndrRatioChanged() Triggered when the nndrRatio is changed.


publicQDescriptorMatchFilter(QQuickItem * parent)

QDescriptorMatchFilter constructor.

public virtual~QDescriptorMatchFilter()

QDescriptorMatchFilter destructor.

publicQDMatchVector*matches1to2() const

Matches from the first image to the second one.

public inline voidsetMatches1to2(QDMatchVector* arg)

Setter for the matches1to2.

public inlineQDMatchVector*matches1to2Out() const

matches1to2 output

public inline floatminDistanceCoeff() const

Minimum distance that the match has to the actual outcome.

public inline voidsetMinDistanceCoeff(float arg)

Setter for minDistanceCoeff.

public inline floatmaxDistance() const

Maximum distance allowed betwen set of two matches.

public inline voidsetMaxDistance(float arg)

Setter for maxDistance.

public inline floatnndrRatio() const

The match betwen the first match and it's next consecutive match.

public inline voidsetNndrRatio(float arg)

Setter for the nndrRatio.

{signal} public voidmatches1to2Changed()

Triggered when matches1to2 is changed.

{signal} public voidmatches1to2OutChanged()

Triggered when matches1to2Out is changed.

{signal} public voidminDistanceCoeffChanged()

Triggered when minDistanceCoeff is changed.

{signal} public voidmaxDistanceChanged()

Triggered when the maxDistance is changed.

{signal} public voidnndrRatioChanged()

Triggered when the nndrRatio is changed.

class QDMatchVector

class QDMatchVector
  : public QQuickItem

Vector containing the actual matches.


Members Descriptions
public explicitQDMatchVector(QQuickItem * parent) QDMatchVector constructor.
public virtual~QDMatchVector() QDMatchVector destructor.
public inlineTypetype() const Type that was matched.
public inline voidsetType(Typetype) Setter for type.
enumType Type enumeration.


public explicitQDMatchVector(QQuickItem * parent)

QDMatchVector constructor.

public virtual~QDMatchVector()

QDMatchVector destructor.

public inlineTypetype() const

Type that was matched.

public inline voidsetType(Typetype)

Setter for type.


Values Descriptions

Type enumeration.

class QDrawMatches

class QDrawMatches
  : public QMatDisplay

Draws the found matches of keypoints from two images.


Members Descriptions
public explicitQDrawMatches(QQuickItem * parent) QDrawMatches constructor.
public virtual~QDrawMatches() QDrawMatches desctructor.
public inlineQKeyPointVector*keypoints1() Keypoint from the first source.
public inline voidsetKeypoints1(QKeyPointVector* keypoints1) Setter for the keypoints1.
public inlineQKeyPointVector*keypoints2() Keypoint from the second source.
public inline voidsetKeypoints2(QKeyPointVector* keypoints2) Setter for the keypoints2.
public inlineQDMatchVector*matches1to2() Matches from the first image to the second one.
public voidsetMatches1to2(QDMatchVector* matches1to2) Setter for the matches1to2.
public inline intmatchIndex() const Filter only specific image.
public inline voidsetMatchIndex(int matchIndex) Setter for the matchIndex.
protected virtual QSGNode *updatePaintNode(QSGNode * node,UpdatePaintNodeData * nodeData) Implementation from QQuickItem.
{signal} public voidkeypoints1Changed() Triggered when the keypoints1 is changed.
{signal} public voidkeypoints2Changed() Triggered when the keypoints2 is changed.
{signal} public voidmatches1to2Changed() Triggered when matches1to2 is changed.
{signal} public voidmatchIndexChanged() Triggered when the matchIndex is changed.


public explicitQDrawMatches(QQuickItem * parent)

QDrawMatches constructor.

public virtual~QDrawMatches()

QDrawMatches desctructor.

public inlineQKeyPointVector*keypoints1()

Keypoint from the first source.

public inline voidsetKeypoints1(QKeyPointVector* keypoints1)

Setter for the keypoints1.

public inlineQKeyPointVector*keypoints2()

Keypoint from the second source.

public inline voidsetKeypoints2(QKeyPointVector* keypoints2)

Setter for the keypoints2.

public inlineQDMatchVector*matches1to2()

Matches from the first image to the second one.

public voidsetMatches1to2(QDMatchVector* matches1to2)

Setter for the matches1to2.

public inline intmatchIndex() const

Filter only specific image.

public inline voidsetMatchIndex(int matchIndex)

Setter for the matchIndex.

protected virtual QSGNode *updatePaintNode(QSGNode * node,UpdatePaintNodeData * nodeData)

Implementation from QQuickItem.

{signal} public voidkeypoints1Changed()

Triggered when the keypoints1 is changed.

{signal} public voidkeypoints2Changed()

Triggered when the keypoints2 is changed.

{signal} public voidmatches1to2Changed()

Triggered when matches1to2 is changed.

{signal} public voidmatchIndexChanged()

Triggered when the matchIndex is changed.

class QFeatureDetector

class QFeatureDetector
  : public QQuickItem

Detects features in an image.


Members Descriptions
public explicitQFeatureDetector(QQuickItem * parent) QFeatureDetector constructor.
publicQFeatureDetector(cv::Ptr< cv::FeatureDetector > detector,QQuickItem * parent) QFeatureDetector constructor.
public virtual~QFeatureDetector() QFeatureDetector destructor.
public inlineQMat*inputMat() The actual image.
public inline voidsetInputMat(QMat* mat) Setter for the image.
public inlineQMat*output() Drawn features from the input to another image.
public inlineQMat*mask() Limited amount of detections for a specific area.
public inline voidsetMask(QMat* mat) Setter for mask.
public inlineQKeyPointVector*keypoints() Keypoints.
public inline voidsetKeypoints(QKeyPointVector* keypoints) Setter for keypoints.
public inline const QVariantMap &params() const Given parameters.
public virtual QSGNode *updatePaintNode(QSGNode * node,UpdatePaintNodeData *) updatePaintNode() implementation from QQuickItem.
protected inline virtual voidinitialize(const QVariantMap & params) Initializes any internal parameters.
protected voidinitializeDetector(cv::Ptr< cv::FeatureDetector > detector) Function used for extending Feature detector.
protected virtual voidcomponentComplete() Implementation from QQuickItem. Triggers a feature detection if input matrix has been set.
{signal} public voidinputChanged() Triggered when input is changed.
{signal} public voidmaskChanged() Triggered when mask is changed.
{signal} public voidkeypointsChanged() Triggered when the keypoints are changed.
{signal} public voidoutputChanged() Triggered when output is changed.
{signal} public voidparamsChanged() Triggered when params are changed.
{slot} public inline voidsetParams(const QVariantMap & arg) Setter for the parameters.


public explicitQFeatureDetector(QQuickItem * parent)

QFeatureDetector constructor.

publicQFeatureDetector(cv::Ptr< cv::FeatureDetector > detector,QQuickItem * parent)

QFeatureDetector constructor.

public virtual~QFeatureDetector()

QFeatureDetector destructor.

public inlineQMat*inputMat()

The actual image.

public inline voidsetInputMat(QMat* mat)

Setter for the image.

public inlineQMat*output()

Drawn features from the input to another image.

public inlineQMat*mask()

Limited amount of detections for a specific area.

public inline voidsetMask(QMat* mat)

Setter for mask.

public inlineQKeyPointVector*keypoints()


public inline voidsetKeypoints(QKeyPointVector* keypoints)

Setter for keypoints.

public inline const QVariantMap &params() const

Given parameters.

public virtual QSGNode *updatePaintNode(QSGNode * node,UpdatePaintNodeData *)

updatePaintNode() implementation from QQuickItem.

protected inline virtual voidinitialize(const QVariantMap & params)

Initializes any internal parameters.

protected voidinitializeDetector(cv::Ptr< cv::FeatureDetector > detector)

Function used for extending Feature detector.

protected virtual voidcomponentComplete()

Implementation from QQuickItem. Triggers a feature detection if input matrix has been set.

{signal} public voidinputChanged()

Triggered when input is changed.

{signal} public voidmaskChanged()

Triggered when mask is changed.

{signal} public voidkeypointsChanged()

Triggered when the keypoints are changed.

{signal} public voidoutputChanged()

Triggered when output is changed.

{signal} public voidparamsChanged()

Triggered when params are changed.

{slot} public inline voidsetParams(const QVariantMap & arg)

Setter for the parameters.

class QKeypointHomography

class QKeypointHomography
  : public QMatDisplay

Maps the keypoints in one image to the corresponding keypoints in the other image.


Members Descriptions
publicQKeypointHomography(QQuickItem * parent) QKeypointHomography constructor.
public~QKeypointHomography() QKeypointHomography desctructor.
public inlineQKeyPointToSceneMap*keypointsToScene() const KeypointsToSceneMap.
public inline voidsetKeypointsToScene(QKeyPointToSceneMap* arg) Setter for the keypointsToScene.
public inlineQMat*queryImage() const Getter for the image that is used.
public inline QVariantListobjectCorners() const Specifies object corners.
public inline QVariantListobjectColors() const Specifies object colors.
public inline voidsetObjectColors(const QVariantList & arg) Setter for the object colors.
protected virtual QSGNode *updatePaintNode(QSGNode * node,UpdatePaintNodeData * nodeData) Updates the scene graph node with the set matrix.
{signal} public voidkeypointsToSceneChanged() Triggered when keypointsToScene is changed.
{signal} public voidqueryImageChanged() Triggered when the queryImage is changed.
{signal} public voidobjectCornersChanged() Triggered when the objectCorners are changed.
{signal} public voidobjectColorsChanged(QVariantList arg) Triggered when the objectColors are changed.
{slot} public inline voidsetQueryImage(QMat* queryImage) Setter for the image that is used.
{slot} public inline voidsetObjectCorners(QVariantList arg) Setter for objectCorners.
{slot} public inline voidappendObjectCorners(QVariantList corner) Appends objectCorners.


publicQKeypointHomography(QQuickItem * parent)

QKeypointHomography constructor.


QKeypointHomography desctructor.

public inlineQKeyPointToSceneMap*keypointsToScene() const


public inline voidsetKeypointsToScene(QKeyPointToSceneMap* arg)

Setter for the keypointsToScene.

public inlineQMat*queryImage() const

Getter for the image that is used.

public inline QVariantListobjectCorners() const

Specifies object corners.

public inline QVariantListobjectColors() const

Specifies object colors.

public inline voidsetObjectColors(const QVariantList & arg)

Setter for the object colors.

protected virtual QSGNode *updatePaintNode(QSGNode * node,UpdatePaintNodeData * nodeData)

Updates the scene graph node with the set matrix.

{signal} public voidkeypointsToSceneChanged()

Triggered when keypointsToScene is changed.

{signal} public voidqueryImageChanged()

Triggered when the queryImage is changed.

{signal} public voidobjectCornersChanged()

Triggered when the objectCorners are changed.

{signal} public voidobjectColorsChanged(QVariantList arg)

Triggered when the objectColors are changed.

{slot} public inline voidsetQueryImage(QMat* queryImage)

Setter for the image that is used.

{slot} public inline voidsetObjectCorners(QVariantList arg)

Setter for objectCorners.

{slot} public inline voidappendObjectCorners(QVariantList corner)

Appends objectCorners.

class QKeyPointToSceneMap

class QKeyPointToSceneMap
  : public QObject

Mapping from a set of keypoints.


Members Descriptions
publicQKeyPointToSceneMap(QObject * parent) QKeyPointToSceneMap constructor.
public~QKeyPointToSceneMap() QKeyPointToSceneMap destructor.
public inline voidappend(ObjectKeypointToScene * objkeypointToScene) Appends objects.
public inline ObjectKeypointToScene *mappingAt(size_t index) Size of the keypoints.
public inline voidresize(size_t size) Resizes the mapping to a specific size (useful for performance efficiency)
{slot} public inline intsize() const Returns size of the mapping.


publicQKeyPointToSceneMap(QObject * parent)

QKeyPointToSceneMap constructor.


QKeyPointToSceneMap destructor.

public inline voidappend(ObjectKeypointToScene * objkeypointToScene)

Appends objects.

public inline ObjectKeypointToScene *mappingAt(size_t index)

Size of the keypoints.

public inline voidresize(size_t size)

Resizes the mapping to a specific size (useful for performance efficiency)

{slot} public inline intsize() const

Returns size of the mapping.

class QKeyPointVector

class QKeyPointVector
  : public QQuickItem

Wrapper around keypoints.


Members Descriptions
public explicitQKeyPointVector(QQuickItem * parent) QKeyPointVector constructor.
public~QKeyPointVector() QKeyPointVector destructor.
{slot} publicQKeyPointVector*createOwnedObject() Creates copy of the vector.
{slot} public QList< QObject * >keyPointData() Returns the internal data as a list of objects.
{slot} public voidsetKeyPointData(const QList< QObject *> data) Sets the internal data as a list of objects.
{slot} public voidappendKeyPoint(QKeyPoint * pt) Appends keypoint.
{slot} public voidremoveKeyPoint(int position) Removes keypoint.
{slot} public QKeyPoint *createKeyPoint() Creates keypoint.
{slot} public inline intsize() Size of the vector.


public explicitQKeyPointVector(QQuickItem * parent)

QKeyPointVector constructor.


QKeyPointVector destructor.

{slot} publicQKeyPointVector*createOwnedObject()

Creates copy of the vector.

{slot} public QList< QObject * >keyPointData()

Returns the internal data as a list of objects.

{slot} public voidsetKeyPointData(const QList< QObject *> data)

Sets the internal data as a list of objects.

{slot} public voidappendKeyPoint(QKeyPoint * pt)

Appends keypoint.

{slot} public voidremoveKeyPoint(int position)

Removes keypoint.

{slot} public QKeyPoint *createKeyPoint()

Creates keypoint.

{slot} public inline intsize()

Size of the vector.

class QMatchesToLocalKeypoint

class QMatchesToLocalKeypoint
  : public QQuickItem

Maps matches to local keypoints.


Members Descriptions
public explicitQMatchesToLocalKeypoint(QQuickItem * parent) QMatchesToLocalKeypoint constructor.
public~QMatchesToLocalKeypoint() QMatchesToLocalKeypoint destructor.
public inlineQDMatchVector*matches1to2() Matches from the first image to the second one.
public inline const QList< QObject * > &trainKeypointVectors() const Trains the keypoint vectors.
public inlineQKeyPointVector*queryKeypointVector() Returns the query keypoins.
public inlineQKeyPointToSceneMap*output() Returns the output.
protected voidcomponentComplete() Implementation from QQuickItem. Triggers a mapping of the matches if the input has been set.
{signal} public voidmatches1to2Changed() Triggered when matches1to2 is changed.
{signal} public voidtrainKeypointVectorsChanged() Triggered when trainKeypointVectors are changed.
{signal} public voidqueryKeypointVectorChanged() Triggered when queryKeypointVectors are changed.
{signal} public voidoutputChanged() Triggered when output is changed.
{slot} public inline voidsetMatches1to2(QDMatchVector* arg) Setter for the matches1to2.
{slot} public inline voidsetTrainKeypointVectors(QList< QObject *> arg) Setter for trainKeypointVectors.
{slot} public inline voidsetQueryKeypointVector(QKeyPointVector* arg) Setter for the queryKeypointVectors.
{slot} public voidsetQueryWithMatches(QKeyPointVector* query,QDMatchVector* matches) Setter for the queryWithMatches.


public explicitQMatchesToLocalKeypoint(QQuickItem * parent)

QMatchesToLocalKeypoint constructor.


QMatchesToLocalKeypoint destructor.

public inlineQDMatchVector*matches1to2()

Matches from the first image to the second one.

public inline const QList< QObject * > &trainKeypointVectors() const

Trains the keypoint vectors.

public inlineQKeyPointVector*queryKeypointVector()

Returns the query keypoins.

public inlineQKeyPointToSceneMap*output()

Returns the output.

protected voidcomponentComplete()

Implementation from QQuickItem. Triggers a mapping of the matches if the input has been set.

{signal} public voidmatches1to2Changed()

Triggered when matches1to2 is changed.

{signal} public voidtrainKeypointVectorsChanged()

Triggered when trainKeypointVectors are changed.

{signal} public voidqueryKeypointVectorChanged()

Triggered when queryKeypointVectors are changed.

{signal} public voidoutputChanged()

Triggered when output is changed.

{slot} public inline voidsetMatches1to2(QDMatchVector* arg)

Setter for the matches1to2.

{slot} public inline voidsetTrainKeypointVectors(QList< QObject *> arg)

Setter for trainKeypointVectors.

{slot} public inline voidsetQueryKeypointVector(QKeyPointVector* arg)

Setter for the queryKeypointVectors.

{slot} public voidsetQueryWithMatches(QKeyPointVector* query,QDMatchVector* matches)

Setter for the queryWithMatches.