Plugin lcvcore

This module contains all the main qml elements for Livekeys's computer vision code. In comparison to opencv, it is an actual merge between the core and highgui modules.

import lcvcore 1.0


TypeMatMain matrix object with variable types.
TypeWritableMatWritable matrix object, used mostly for quick operations like drawing
TypeMatOpSingleton type for matrix operations.
TypeMatViewDisplays a Mat as an image.
TypeImReadRead an image from the hard drive into a lcvcore.Mat structure.
TypeImWriteSaves an image to a specified file.
TypeMatDisplaySimple matrix display element.
TypeMatDisplaySimple matrix display element.
TypeMatFilterBase filter for processing images.
TypeMatRoiSelects a region of interest (ROI)
TypeMatReadDisplays a matrixes values in text form
TypeMatBufferKeeps the previous frame.
TypeCamCaptureCaptures frames from a connected camera. This is a static item.
TypeVideoCaptureCaptures frames from video files.This is a static item.
TypeAlphaMergeMerges an alpha channel to a matrix.
TypeAbsDiffPerforms an absolute difference between two matrixes.
TypeImageFileRead an image from the hard drive into a Mat structure.
TypeOverlapMatOverlaps 2 matrixes
TypeItemCaptureCaptures the screen into a Mat object.
TypeVideoControlsVideo controls provides a play/pause button and a seekbar for VideoCapture
TypeVideoWriterWrites video to a file. This is a static item.
TypeDrawHistogramDraws a histogram given from a set of points
TypeColorHistogramCalculates histogram for a given matrix

Mat type

MethodByteArray buffer()
Methodint channels()
Methodint depth()
Methodsize dimensions()
MethodMat cloneMat()
MethodMat createOwnedObject()

Main matrix object with variable types.

You can access a matrix's pixels from QML by using the buffer() function, which gives you a js ArrayBuffer. Here's a how you can access pixel values from a RGB matrix.

    id : src
    file : project.path + '/sample.jpg'
    Component.onCompleted : {
       var buffer     = output.buffer()
       var size       = output.dimensions()
       var channels   = output.channels()
       var bufferview = new Uint8Array(buffer)
       for ( var i = 0; i < size.height; ++i ){
           for ( var j = 0; j < size.width; ++j ){
               var b = bufferview[i * size.width + j * channels + 0]; // get the blue channel
               var g = bufferview[i * size.width + j * channels + 1]; // get the green channel
               var r = bufferview[i * size.width + j * channels + 2]; // get the red channel

A sample on accessing and changing matrixes is available in samples/core/customfilter.qml :

Type enum

Matrix type.

The matrix can be one of the following:

  • Mat.CV8U
  • Mat.CV8S
  • Mat.CV16U
  • Mat.CV16S
  • Mat.CV32S
  • Mat.CV32F
  • Mat.CV64F

ByteArray buffer() method

Returns an equivalent ArrayBuffer to access the matrix values

int channels() method

Returns the number of channels for the matrix

int depth() method

Returns the depth or type of the matrix

size dimensions() method

Returns the matrix dimensions

Mat cloneMat() method

Returns a cloned matrix with javascript ownership

Mat createOwnedObject() method

Returns a shallow copied matrix with javascript ownership

WritableMat type

MethodByteArray buffer()
Methodint channels()
Methodint depth()
Methodsize dimensions()
MethodMat toMat()

Writable matrix object, used mostly for quick operations like drawing

ByteArray buffer() method

Returns an equivalent ArrayBuffer to access the matrix values

int channels() method

Returns the number of channels for the matrix

int depth() method

Returns the depth or type of the matrix

size dimensions() method

Returns the matrix dimensions

Mat toMat() method

Returns a Mat object copy of the WritableMat.

MatOp type

MethodMat create(size size, Mat.Type type = Mat.CV8U, int channels = 1)
MethodMat createFill(size size, Mat.Type type = Mat.CV8U, int channels, color color)
MethodMat createFromArray(Array a, Mat.Type type = Mat.CV8U)
Methodfill(Mat m, color color)
MethodfillWithMask(Mat m, color color, Mat mask)
MethodMat crop(Mat m, rect region)
MethodMatrix4x4 to4x4Matrix(Mat m)
MethodArray toArray(Mat m)

Singleton type for matrix operations.

Main object used to create matrices and manage simple operations on them.

Creation examples:

import QtQuick 2.3
import lcvcore 1.0 as Cv

Grid{ spacing: 2 Cv.MatView{ mat: { var m = Cv.MatOp.create(Qt.size(100, 100), Cv.Mat.CV8U, 3) Cv.MatOp.fill(m, "#003333") return m } } Cv.MatView{ mat: Cv.MatOp.createFill(Qt.size(100, 100), Cv.Mat.CV8U, 3, "#660000") } Cv.MatView{ mat: Cv.MatOp.createFromArray([ [0, 100, 0], [150, 0, 250], [0, 200, 0] ]) linearFilter: false width: 100 height: 100 } }

Mat create(size size, Mat.Type type = Mat.CV8U, int channels = 1) method

Creates a matrix given the size, type and number of channels.

Mat createFill(size size, Mat.Type type = Mat.CV8U, int channels, color color) method

Creates a matrix given the size, type and number of channels, and fills it with the specified color.

Mat createFromArray(Array a, Mat.Type type = Mat.CV8U) method

Creates a matrix given a 2 dimensional array.

fill(Mat m, color color) method

Fills a matrix with the given color.

fillWithMask(Mat m, color color, Mat mask) method

Fills a matrix with the given color within the region of the binary mask.

Mat crop(Mat m, rect region) method

Crops a matrix by the specified region.

Matrix4x4 to4x4Matrix(Mat m) method

Returns a Matrix4x4 qml element from a given matrix m. m is required to be a 4x4 matrix.

Array toArray(Mat m) method

Returns the matrix m as a js Array.

MatView type

PropertyMat mat
Propertybool linearFilter

Displays a Mat as an image.

Mat mat property

The matrix to be displayed.

bool linearFilter property

Smooths the displayed image through linear filtering. Default is true.

ImRead type

Propertystring file
PropertyImRead.Load isColor

Read an image from the hard drive into a lcvcore.Mat structure.

To read the image, all you need is to specify the location :

    file : 'sample.jpg'

You can load the image from the location where your qml file is saved by using the path from the project variable.

    file : project.dir() + '/../../../samples/_images/caltech_buildings_DSCN0246.JPG'

string file property

The path to the file to load.

ImRead.Load isColor property

Color type of the image

Can be one of the following:


ImWrite type

PropertyObject params

Saves an image to a specified file.

Object params property

Parameters can be one of the following, also dependent on the format the image is saved in:

  'jpegQuality' : // jpeg compression
  'pngCompression' : // png compression
  'pxmBinary' : // For PPM, PGM, or PBM, it can be a binary format flag ( CV_IMWRITE_PXM_BINARY ), 0 or 1. Default value is 1.

MatDisplay type

MethodsaveImage(string file, Mat image)
PropertyMat MatDisplay output
Propertybool MatDisplay linearFilter

Simple matrix display element.

This type serves as a base for all other livekeys types that require displaying a matrix, which is available in its output property. You can choose wether smoothing occurs when scaling the image for display by enabling linear

saveImage(string file, Mat image) method

Save the image to a file path.

MatDisplay type

MethodsaveImage(string file, Mat image)
PropertyMat MatDisplay output
Propertybool MatDisplay linearFilter

Simple matrix display element.

This type serves as a base for all other types that want to display a matrix, exposed in its output property. You can choose wether smoothing occurs when scaling the image by enabling linear filtering.

Mat MatDisplay output property

This property holds the output element to display on screen.

bool MatDisplay linearFilter property

If set to true, linear filtering will occur when scaling the image on the screen. Default value is true.

MatFilter type

PropertyMat input

Base filter for processing images.

Inherits the MatDisplay type in order to display a Mat through it's output property, which is the result of processing the input. This class doesn't have any processing implemented, however it serves as a base type for most transformations within lcv plugins.

Mat input property

Input matrix to apply the filter to.

MatRoi type

Propertyint regionX
Propertyint regionY
Propertyint regionWidth
Propertyint regionHeight

Selects a region of interest (ROI)

Selects a region from an image for further processing. The 'PanAndZoom' component shows how to use a MatRoi to select a region from an image, then use a MatRead to read the regions values.

See samples/imgproc/panandzoom.qml

int regionX property

The x coordinate of the most top-left point of the region.

int regionY property

The y coordinate of the most top-left point of the region.

int regionWidth property

The width of the seleted region.

int regionHeight property

The height of the seleted region.

MatRead type

Propertyint input
PropertyFont font
PropertyColor color
Propertyint numberWidth
Propertybool squareCell

Displays a matrixes values in text form

Reads an image's values and displays them on the screen in the form of a grid. See the PanAndZoom component for more details.

See samples/imgproc/panandzoom.qml

An alternative to the given example is to use a flickable area and use the MatRead over a whole image.

int input property

Input matrix to read.

Font font property

Font to use when displaying values. Default is "Courier New" with 12 pixel size.

Color color property

Color of the displayed values

int numberWidth property

Number of digits to display for each number. Default is 3.

bool squareCell property

When enabled, each number cell will be resized to a square shape. This is useful if you want to display pixels together with their values. Default is false.

MatBuffer type

PropertyMat input

Keeps the previous frame.

The MatBuffer type is useful when it comes to video playback and you need to keep reference to a previous frame. The buffer stores the frame for next usage, so by it's output you actually get the last frame that was passed around in the application. It comes in handy in frame differences, as in the example under samples/imgproc/framedifference.qml

Mat input property

Input matrix to store. Whenever a new input is given, the previous one becomes available as output.

CamCapture type

Propertystring Device
Propertysize resolution
Propertyreal fps
Propertybool paused
MethodCamCapture staticLoad(string device,size resolution)

Captures frames from a connected camera. This is a static item.

An example of how to use the cam capture can be found in samples/core/camcapture.qml.

string Device property

This property holds the url to the camera device to be accessed.

size resolution property

Stores the resolution for this cam capture.

real fps property

By default, this is initialized with the camera's given fps. You can change this value if you want faster/slower capture playback, however, setting it faster than the actual camera permits will limit to the camera's maximum rate. This value is not absolute, in fact it depends on a lot of factors like processing time done by Livekeys and speed by which frames are delivered.

This is an overloaded method for CamCapture staticLoad

CamCapture staticLoad(string device,size resolution) method

Loads the CamCaptures state, where device can be either a link or a device number. The device number should be given in string form. Usually a default webcam can be accesed by '0'. Resolution is optional and stores the resolution at which to open the capture.

bool paused property

This property can be set to true or false, depending if you want to freeze or continue capturing frames from the camera.

VideoCapture type

PropertyMat output
Propertybool linearFilter
Propertyfloat fps
Propertybool loop
Propertyint CurrentFrame
Propertystring file
Propertybool paused
Methodseek(int frame)
MethodstaticOpen(string file)
MethodstaticLoad(string file)

Captures frames from video files.This is a static item.

The VideoCapture constantly grabes frames from a video file. The frames are captured at a speed equal to the video's fps, but that is not necessarily to be considered as an absolute value. The speed can be altered manually by configuring the fps parameter. A progress bar and a play/pause button can be attached by using the VideoControls type.

The first example in core/videocapture_simple.qml shows a simple video frame grabber, while the second one in core/videocapture_controls.qml shows the grabber with the VideoControls attached.

  • samples/core/videocapture_simple.qml

  • samples/core/videocapture_controls.qml

Mat output property

Output frame.

bool linearFilter property

Perform linear filtering when scaling the matrix to be displayed. The default value is true.

float fps property

By default, this is initialized with the video files fps. You can change this value if you want faster/slower capture playback.

bool loop property

If enabled, the video will start over once it's reach the end. By default, this value is false.

int CurrentFrame property

This property holds the current frame number. If you set this manually, you perform a seek to the specified frame number in the video.

seek(int frame) method

Perform a seek to the specified frame number.

string file property

This property holds the url to the file thats opened.

staticOpen(string file) method

This is an overloaded method for VideoCapture staticLoad

staticLoad(string file) method

Loads the VideoCapture state. file is a link to the file to be opened. This also acts a a state identifier.

bool paused property

Pause or play the video.

AlphaMerge type

PropertyMat mask

Merges an alpha channel to a matrix.

Alpha merge is used to merge an alpha channel to a 1 or 3 channel matrix. The alpha channel is a single channel image or mask that is loaded within the mask property of this class.

In the sample at samples/imgproc/alphamerge.qml a loaded image is merged with a drawn circle.

See samples/imgproc/alphamerge.qml

Mat mask property

Mask to merge the input with.

AbsDiff type

PropertyMat input2

Performs an absolute difference between two matrixes.

The example in samples/imgproc/framedifference.qml shows differentiating two consecutive frames in a video to calculate the motion. It uses a MatBuffer to store the previous frame:


Mat input2 property

Second input for the subtraction.

ImageFile type

Propertystring file
Propertyenumaration isColor

Read an image from the hard drive into a Mat structure.

string file property

The path to the file to load.

enumaration isColor property

Color type of the image

Can be one of the following:


monitor property

Monitors the file for changes and reloads the image if the file has changed.

OverlapMat type


Overlaps 2 matrixes

input2 property

Mat to overlap with.

mask property

Mask used when overlaping.

ItemCapture type

PropertyItem captureSource

Captures the screen into a Mat object.

Available through the output property from MatDisplay.

Item captureSource property

Item to capture screen from.

VideoControls type

PropertyVideoCapture videoCapture
SignalplayPauseTriggered(bool paused)
SignalseekTriggered(int currentFrame)

Video controls provides a play/pause button and a seekbar for VideoCapture

VideoCapture videoCapture property

The actual videoCapture object

playPauseTriggered(bool paused) signal

Triggered when play/pause state changed

seekTriggered(int currentFrame) signal

Triggered when a seek occurred

VideoWriter type

PropertyMat input
Propertyint framesWritten
MethodstaticLoad(Object parameters)

Writes video to a file. This is a static item.

Mat input property

Input matrix to write. Whenever the input is set, the matrix will be written to a file.

int framesWritten property

Number of frames written. This is a read only property.

staticLoad(Object parameters) method

Loads the static object, where parameters is an object with the following keys:

  • filename: name of the file to write into
  • fourcc : a string based sequence of characters that describes the codec to be used
  • fps: fps of the video
  • frameWidth : video frame width
  • frameHeight : video frame height
  • isColor: boolean flag set to true if the encoder should work with color or greyscale frames. Default is true.

DrawHistogram type

Propertylist colors
Propertylist values
Propertyreal maxValue
PropertyDrawHistogram.RenderType render
MethodsetValuesFromIntList(list values)

Draws a histogram given from a set of points


    width : 200
    height : 200
    maxValue : 200
    colors : ['#aa007700', '#aa000088']
    render : DrawHistogram.ConnectedLines
    values : [
        [10, 44, 30, 50, 200, 10, 300, 50, 70],
        [20, 30, 40, 50, 100, 30, 200, 50, 30]

RenderType enum

Type of histogram to render

  • ConnectedLines : Points will be connected by a set of lines
  • Rectangles : Rectangle or bar based histogram
  • Binary: Binary histogram
  • BinaryConverted: Int values are expected, which will be converted to binary

list colors property

List of colors associated with the indexes of each histogram graph.

list values property

List of graphs, each one consisting of a list of values for that graph.

real maxValue property

Max value shown in the histogram

DrawHistogram.RenderType render property

Render type of this histogram

setValuesFromIntList(list values) method

Assigns the values from a list of integers.

{qmlMethod:setValuesFromIntListAt(list values, int index))

Assigns values from the given list only at the specified index.

ColorHistogram type

PropertyMat input
PropertyMat output
Propertybool fill
Propertyint channel

Calculates histogram for a given matrix

Selection enum

Channel selection to calculate the histogram for the image.

  • Total : calculates the lightness of the image
  • AllChannels : Calculates all the channels
  • BlueChannel : Calculates the blue channel
  • GreenChannel : Calculates the green channel
  • RedChannel : Calculates the red channel

Mat input property

Input matrix to calculate the histogram for.

Mat output property

Output matrix containing the drawn histogram.

bool fill property

Flag that sets wether to fill the resulting graph.

int channel property

Channel to calculate the histogram for. Can be ColorHistogram.AllChannels for all the channels, or ColorHistogram.TotalChannels to calculate the lightness.